Most Men Can't Get Away With Being 'Alpha Dads'

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superman rescues boy christopher reever

Bloomberg Businessweek makes it sound easy.

Seelah Kolhatkar's cover story on work-life balance for men focuses on a group of "alpha dads" at Deloitte who boldly rearrange their schedules to make time for their kids.

"They don't believe in balance," writes Kolhatkar , "they believe in getting what they want, even if it's time to yell at their 5-year-olds from the sidelines of a soccer game on a Wednesday afternoon."

Kolhatkar implies that the 46% of U.S. working men who want to spend more time with their kids should just man up and do it.

Unfortunately, most men find it much harder to achieve work-life balance.

Not all companies offer two-month paid leave for either parent in a pregnancy like Deloitte. Indeed, America is the only developed country with no national law mandating time off for new parents .

When they do get paid paternity leave, American men don't feel comfortable taking it. A recent study found that 88% of men offered paid paternity leave passed. Among the men who took it, many spent time working on side projects and other things that could advance their career.

Most employers don't encourage men to take time off either. Ninety-nine percent of men surveyed by Boston College said that their managers had the same or increased expectations of them following the birth of their most recent child.

American men still face strong social pressure to be the breadwinner in a family. There's a reason why male unemployment is one of the only negative life events from which people never psychologically recover (until they get a job again). Men are told to get a job and devote themselves to it, even if a growing number of men want to spend more time at home.

Men also face the same work-life balance issues as women who try to "have it all." It feels like a disadvantage not to spend those crazy late hours at the office, while colleagues without children have no problem working late . Promotions, after all, go to people who work hard and accomplish a lot.

Deloitte's alpha dads may find it easy to skip work without feeling guilty, but they're exceptions that prove the rule.

That said, we applaud them for finding a better work-life balance and creating a group — Deloitte Dads — to encourage men around the world to do the same. This is something that both men and women want, and it's going to take a lot of work to get there .

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