Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff has quit Facebook

Salesforce Marc Benioff
Salesforce Marc Benioff

(Business Insider)
Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff

If you're looking for Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff on Facebook, you won't find him. He quit Facebook and deleted his account, he told folks on Twitter.

Benioff is a big deal on Twitter.

He uses Twitter to talk about major stuff, everything from his decision to boycott Indiana over its pending anti-Gay legislation, to declaring that Salesforce opposed a controversial cybersecurity anti-privacy bill.

But Facebook was making him feel overwhelmed, he said.

This was particularly true after Salesforce's massive music party/tech conference Dreamforce.

When tech blogger Robert Scoble noticed Benioff deleted his account he asked him (via Twitter) why. Benioff said he found it "too overwhelming to keep up on Twitter and Facebook."

And now comes the tricky part, explaining to his good friend Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg why he quit.

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